Employee Productivity.

Track employee response rates to ensure timely customer issue resolution and a positive customer experience.

Minimise service disruption and knowledge gaps during times of high volatility.

Regular notifications and reports to help you benchmark across teams and properties, to identify areas for training and process improvements.

Our innovative models and expertise can help you to:

Explore what is happening at site level so you can see firsthand where your team is focusing their time and energy.

Identify what requires your attention with timely alerts and notifications that allow you to quickly see which properties, and teams, require your focus.

Discover the long list of items that are slowing your teams down, so you can craft appropriate strategies, including automating task creation and responses with the help of digital teammates.

Support employee retention for centralized and on-site teams with feedback and training that is customized using insights from platform notifications, including customer kudos, requests and escalations.

Get in touch with us.

Explore More Solutions

  • Cost Transformation

    Gain actionable insights, frameworks, and built-in KPI tools to help maximise the effectiveness of your strategy plans.

  • Customer Satisfaction

    Improve customer experience and maximise satisfaction with our easily deployable solutions and customer insights.

  • Third Party Management

    Be a stable asset for your investors with operational insights using models trained specifically for the Real Estate industry.